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Regional Economic Development

Representatives from the companies Makstil A.D. Skopje; AD MIN Holding Co. Nis and Makmetal, Sofia met in order to discuss chances and challenges for closer co-operation in the field of steel and metallurgical industry within the common cross-border region.

The above mentioned parties agreed on

  • the need for a Regional Strategy for Development of Steel and Metallurgical Industry in the neighboring border regions of Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia.

  • the need of an immediate restructuring of the existing facilities and capacities of the steel industry and the metallurgical complex, in order to enable them to operate in market oriented conditions and a wider European and global market.

  • the need for a joint consultative organizational form through which a joint presentation of products on wider regional and world markets will be provided.

  • Building upon such needs the present companies, Makstil A.D. Skopje, MIN Holding Co. Nis, Makmetal Sofija and Kremikovci Corp. Sofija, suggest the formation of a Steel Committee for the future Euroregion between the above mentioned border regions. Such Steel Committee should work under the umbrella of the Working Commission on Economical Development in this sense act as a subgroup to it.

    Such a Committee would be fully devoted to the strengthening of the market economy in the cross-border region, at the same time contributing to the creation of a better environment for entrepreneurship, employment, social welfare and in general improved life conditions.

    In this sense the signing parties are expressing their readiness to actively participate in this process initiating the Euroregional Steel Committee.


    Grad Nis






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